Spending time with friends and family is something that makes us happy. Whether it’s having a BBQ, lazing by the pool, or sitting around the outdoor table while the kids play, this quality time is something we all look forward to. During the pandemic we have been subjected to lockdowns, restricted to number of people we allowed into our homes, felt trapped and suffocated indoors so the minute we get the chance to go outside we feel relieved. Being outside is good for the mind, body, and soul. My partner and I go and sit outside with a cuppa every day after work for at least half an hour to mentally unwind. We both feel refreshed and ready to cook dinner and chillax. Outdoor spaces vary and we want them to be comfortable and relaxing. As much as we love a great looking yard, time and energy are involved in upkeep and maintenance. And let’s face it, most of us have such a busy lifestyle juggling work, kids (or cats in my case lol), cooking and cleaning that there’s barely enough time catch your breath let alone maintain the yard. But rest assured it doesn’t have to be difficult, time consuming or expensive. A few simple tips you can do yourself can make these outdoor tasks easy and even enjoyable without having to pay tradies which can become costly.
How to restore grey timber…
A quick way to restore timber furniture that has gone grey without having to go through the long process of sanding is to use Fiddes Wood Reviver Gel. The gel is applied to the grey timber, left for approximately 15 mins and washed off. The timber will come back to life and once it has dried apply Fiddes Outdoor Furniture Oil and you will see the natural beauty of the timber now restored. In many cases decking cannot be re-sanded easily as there may be protruding screws or nails. Fiddes Wood Reviver Gel can also be applied to greyed off decking and once it has dried off apply 3 coats of Universal Decking Oil and voila the deck has been reborn. It’s that simple!
How to clean and maintain your timber deck…
Maintaining decking needn’t be hard and if done regularly will increase the life and durability of the timber in the Aussie climate. Using Fiddes Oxalic Acid Concentrate to wash the deck and re-applying a coat Fiddes Universal Decking Oil as required will not only keep your deck looking fabulous but will further increase the longevity.
Did you know that you can also use Fiddes Universal Decking Oil on timber planter boxes, timber cladding and weatherboards, posts and stairs? Always ensure to prepare timber accordingly prior to use to get the best results for all your external timber.
While you’re at it, why not get the Gerni out and pressure wash the concrete or pavers? That’ll make all that beautifully revived timber go POP! And it’s amazing what the look and smell of a freshly mowed lawn can do to ones’ happiness.
You’ll have the neighbours green with envy and yours will be the house that people drive by and say ‘Wow! That place looks so nice and fresh, but most importantly… YOU will smile internally every time you look at the yard and say, ‘Geez I’m good and I did that!’
So, what are you waiting for? Go on…get cracking and have fun!
To watch our products in action, click below
Restoring with Wood Reviver Gel